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Build strong mutual benefits by discussing the RFD (reason of delinquency) with past due customers

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Rapport is the foundation of any great relationship.

Having something in common with another person instantly builds a connection. So why is it so important to build rapport with a customer, especially when they're past due?

Rapport drives direction to motivate mutual benefits between two parties. Collection agents will better connect with customers when the reason of delinquency (RFD) is established.

Sounds simple right?

Yet, countless times the RFD doesn't even surface by agents when speaking to consumers.

One of the most over-looked key questions during negotiations, is simply understanding what led the customer to fall past due.

Listening to a consumer’s story of events that transpired offers a chance to connect as people, it humanizes the call and allows one to genuinely empathize with the customer’s circumstance.

The best way to build rapport is to use questions that show interest; then, listen closely and respond appropriately.

Today many collection agents reach out to consumers and often blast through a demand for payment, offering quick settlements, then moving on to the next call without really digesting the conversation.

You should look for authentic opportunities to build a bridge with customers.

Promise payments later break, because we never truly addressed the crux of the circumstance that led the customer to be delinquent in the first place. Our ability to convert valuable (and limited) right party contacts diminishes without good rapport.

But unless the agents can establish what the consumers’ needs are, the agent wont effectively be able to tailor a solution that has a sustained outcome.

The RFD starts the conversation towards the desired direction for an agent, payment in full.

Collection managers have an opportunity to embed the most important skill in collections for their staff, which is the talent of effective listening.

Strategically unpacking the RFD allows agents to ask the right questions which will serve to solidify stronger promise to pay conversion rates.

When reviewing call calibrations, there is indeed performance impacts when comparing collection calls absent of any RFD inquiry.

The greatest skill we have is effective communication, which is truly incomplete without the ability to offer sincere listening in tandem to a collection call with a consumer.

Peter Manianis

Vendor Manager 3rd Party Collection Agencies

Mobility Marketing – Strategic Planning & Execution

TELUS | the future is friendly

Mobile: 778.877.6198

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